Loose strings

Please help- this looked like fun but I can't stand all those loose strings. I am using 100% cotton quilting fabric and it not only is annoying but looks terrible. Should I use a fabric that doesn't fray?

I've noticed if I buy fabric

I've noticed if I buy fabric strips or if I cut my strips I have a lot more loose threads. The best way to avoid this is to tear your strips. You will be surprised at what a huge difference it makes.

If you don't mind a bit of

If you don't mind a bit of extra work, you can get rid of the loose threads entirely. Tear the strips, it really does help, but make them wide enough so you can turn under the raw edges before you stitch the loops. I use strips between 2 and 2 1/2 inches wide. I try to work so that the slipknot ties where strips are joined end up underneath or hidden in the loops, and by turning in the raw edges as I go, the end result is very clean, neat and I like the way they look, made this way. So long as you keep the stitches snug and even, washing usually won't affect these, and they stay neat and tidy. It IS more effort, but like you, I don't care for that thready look :-). You can press under the raw edges first if you like but I find it very time consuming, so now I just fold them in as I go along.

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